Thursday, December 10, 2009


Dear Edward,
I am growing older day by day and you don't seem to mind that I am now one year older than you are. But I do.
The night before the day I had been dreading (my birthday) I had a dream. I was a wrinkled old lady by your side while you were still frozen in your seventeen year old perfection sparkling in the sunlight. I had seen gran which proved that the dream wasn't real since gran had passed away a while ago. I later realized I hadn't seen gran the old lady was me!
This dream made me realize how fast time is passing. I had just arrived to Forks, made new friends at a new school and met you. I fear everyday that I age while you are breath taking beautiful.
I am asking one thing from you and I am willing to sacrifice my human experiences, my soul, my heartbeat... I want to become one of you. Edward bite me.
This is the one and only thing that I ask for.

Love, Bella.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

R.A.F.T #1

Dear Bill my owner,
It's me your dog Truffles.
I am leaving and I think this is a perfect time while you're on vacation.
Before I left i was just wondering why you even got me!
In case you forgot I need to be fed and walked. You barely feed me and I haven't been walked for almost two weeks and I'm starting to smell gross too!
I also get really bored. There's nothing to do. Maybe I would have made some friends but they all make fun of me. But who can blame them I'm a rotting, shaggy dog who looks like he's from the open streets! Maybe I wouldn't be as bored If I had dog toys but you barely leave the house!
Bill you're all ways drunk and lazy, you're very very grumpy, you have a lumpy belly and I've got to say you're never gonna meet a lady!
While you left for vacation I decided to leave the dumpster called your house.
I have found a caring owner. It's great! I get fed and walked and I don't smell bad anymore. I even made some friends.
Well Bill I hope you have a good rest of your life.
Sincerely, Truffles.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Dear housekeeper, its me Spidaris.
I wonder what I'm about to tell you will bring back some memories.

There was a girl and she kept spiders. So all over the house there were spiders and her house keeper didn't like it. The spiders made webs everywhere and the maid had to clean up everything. There was one spider in particular who made trouble for the maid. The little girl named him Spidaris. The house maid was like an evil monster. Where ever Spidaris and his friends made there beautiful webs the housekeeper destroyed them. The spiders would all tell the evil housekeeper to stop destroying all of there beautiful webs. But the she didn't only destroy the webs but she chased the spiders with her feather duster and broom!
does this housekeeper remind you of someone?
Well i hope whoever you're working for now you aren't running after them with a broom and a feather duster!

Sincerelly, Spidaris.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hey there readers! its twilighter123
i just thought that you want to know a bit about me.
By my name you may allready have figured out that im a twilght fan so i might write some blogs on it:) I love the books! But i dont like the first movie but hopefully new moon is better i heard a lot of good commnts on it so im planning on watching it soon.
Anyways... So everyone likes music and so my favourite singer is the legendary king of pop who starred in my favourite movie of all time.
"this is it". And so ill probablly some time write about my favourite singer Michael Jackson! =). So i have this obsession over him but its starting to fade but ill allways love him<3. So if anyone watched the AMA's he won two ama's no shocker there but what shocked me was that Taylor Swift won over him for best artist of the year!=(
Well that's all ill say now because when it comes to MJ i can keep going on and on.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Dear H1N1,
we all know about u and are watching out!
I hope you know the impact you have on people!
You are a scary virus unleashed, you are spreading your germs everywhere.
People got infected by your virus and are now sick so you better go make them feel better by turning in to an anti virus! You should be more like your brothers and sisters even though people still get sick because of them but they still recover, but because of you some people have even died! But we're not afraid of you now that the h1n1 flu shot needle is here!
So h1n1 go away never come back another day!
sincerely the protected one from you
twilighter123 =)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Miley Cyrus tour bus crash!

This morning(November 20th) famous popstar Miley Cyrus's tour bus crashed!
She's supposed to perform on Sunday in Greensboro North Carolina.
They're were 15 people on the bus her crew and driver.
One person died!
And no it wasn't Miley Cyrus.
She wasn't on the bus during the crash.
The driver of the tour bus passed away.


Dear reader,

welcome to my blog!=)
I hope you enjoy the things that i will be sharing.
Since this is a school assigment dont expect too much but i'll make it the best that i can!
On my blog you will see things that i find important interesting.
Some things that i will probablly write about is...
Michael jackson because i am a realllyyyyyy big fan!
movies and music and a lot more!
I hope you like my upcoming blogs!

sincerely, twilighter123