Thursday, December 10, 2009


Dear Edward,
I am growing older day by day and you don't seem to mind that I am now one year older than you are. But I do.
The night before the day I had been dreading (my birthday) I had a dream. I was a wrinkled old lady by your side while you were still frozen in your seventeen year old perfection sparkling in the sunlight. I had seen gran which proved that the dream wasn't real since gran had passed away a while ago. I later realized I hadn't seen gran the old lady was me!
This dream made me realize how fast time is passing. I had just arrived to Forks, made new friends at a new school and met you. I fear everyday that I age while you are breath taking beautiful.
I am asking one thing from you and I am willing to sacrifice my human experiences, my soul, my heartbeat... I want to become one of you. Edward bite me.
This is the one and only thing that I ask for.

Love, Bella.

1 comment:

  1. Level 3+


    Generally, a very well-written and creative entry. You use a lot of descriptive language to enhance your message. Be sure that EVERY sentence has a point (i.e. "I had just arrived to Forks, made new friends at a new school and met you.") Solid effort!
