Thursday, January 28, 2010


Dear Toronto,

Its Oakville.
I'm a huge fan of yours. I know all about you, and I have to say you looked great on the red carpet! Congratulations on winning "the most popular city in Ontario" award!
You are a remarkable city, how do I begin... , I could go on and on.
Well firstly, I love your city, how people flood your streets in the morning excited for a new day!
I find that you are an exceedingly experienced city, grabbing numerous peoples attention to your many attractions!
For instance, Your tall tower the CN tower.
It is the skyline of Toronto and also it's well known symbol.
Because of this tower many tourists are coming to Toronto to come see it.
Secondly, Toronto you are the biggest city in Canada!
You exceed the popularity of other cities and towns.
I wish that someday that the town of Oakville could become like you. A distinguished place known to many people, popular and to have a great landmark like yours.
Finally, Toronto I hope you now know to me that you are a city like no other which is why I would like to be your friend.
Unlike you Toronto I don't have as many Tourists coming to my town.
I want to become a well accomplished city like you have become.
I look up to you Toronto, you are my role model.
Toronto you have such a large population and you keep them busy with all that Toronto offers!
I wish I could present more places for my population to get engaged in.
Toronto, you are the reason I wake up in the morning and am confident that Oakville can become like you!
Toronto, will you please be my friend. I've been around a while and I want you to be my first friend.


Friday, January 22, 2010


Dear teacher,
I am a grade one girl also known as the one you called dumb and lazy.
That wasn't very nice of you! I'm only six years old and I'm not dumb or lazy!
It's just grade one is so hard!
You give us so much work.
Kindergarten was so much fun! We sang songs, we colored and the teacher read us books!
It was the best year ever!!
But anyways back to grade one because I'm a big kid now!

The truth is why can't you be more like Mrs. Stevie next door!
She's so nice. My kindergarten friend is in her class she's so lucky!!
Mrs. Stevie sometimes even bakes them cookies!
Unlike Mrs. Stevie you are a big Meany!
You give us so much homework!
My ear hurts when you drag your long nails across the board!
You also turn all red and start yelling at other people in Mrs. Stevie's class! One of them even cried! You're so evil.

I remember you didn't dress up for Halloween, now I know why.
You're already scary!
silly me, I thought you weren't in the Halloween spirit!

Well I just thought I would write to you to say bye because I'm going to a new school Emily Carr next year!
I'm so excited!

grade one girl

Dear grade one girl,
This is the mean teacher.
I see that you have learned to write.
I just wanted to share some exciting news with you.
There is no need for goodbyes young child,
I will be teaching you at your new school next year!
See you in grade two:)
Mu ha ha ha ha

evil teacher

Friday, January 15, 2010


Dear outer space aliens,
I once had a dream. I was at a party.
I was surrounded by family and friends. Loud music was playing.
The party was coming to a close. As people were leaving they saw something in the sky.
Some people thought it might have been a spaceship others thought it was a shooting star because it disappeared from the dark sky. People started to leave, while everyone left i stayed outside waiting for something to come in sight above. I waited and waited...
Finally, all of a sudden a bright light flashed right in front of me. I got startled not knowing what to expect. As an alien she was nothing like i would expect. She didn't have green skin, webbed feet, more than two eyes instead she had undeniable beauty.
She was something my eyes had never witnessed.
She had sparking and smiling green eyes and the rest of her face was equally beautiful.
She had long bronze hair that would have reached her shoulder but her body ended after her neck. I stared at her for a long moment. Soon she disappeared and i awoke.
I realized it was a dream.
Some say that you don't exist but since that dream i started to believe in other life outside earth.
For now i can only see you aliens in my dreams...
human from earth.