Thursday, December 10, 2009


Dear Edward,
I am growing older day by day and you don't seem to mind that I am now one year older than you are. But I do.
The night before the day I had been dreading (my birthday) I had a dream. I was a wrinkled old lady by your side while you were still frozen in your seventeen year old perfection sparkling in the sunlight. I had seen gran which proved that the dream wasn't real since gran had passed away a while ago. I later realized I hadn't seen gran the old lady was me!
This dream made me realize how fast time is passing. I had just arrived to Forks, made new friends at a new school and met you. I fear everyday that I age while you are breath taking beautiful.
I am asking one thing from you and I am willing to sacrifice my human experiences, my soul, my heartbeat... I want to become one of you. Edward bite me.
This is the one and only thing that I ask for.

Love, Bella.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

R.A.F.T #1

Dear Bill my owner,
It's me your dog Truffles.
I am leaving and I think this is a perfect time while you're on vacation.
Before I left i was just wondering why you even got me!
In case you forgot I need to be fed and walked. You barely feed me and I haven't been walked for almost two weeks and I'm starting to smell gross too!
I also get really bored. There's nothing to do. Maybe I would have made some friends but they all make fun of me. But who can blame them I'm a rotting, shaggy dog who looks like he's from the open streets! Maybe I wouldn't be as bored If I had dog toys but you barely leave the house!
Bill you're all ways drunk and lazy, you're very very grumpy, you have a lumpy belly and I've got to say you're never gonna meet a lady!
While you left for vacation I decided to leave the dumpster called your house.
I have found a caring owner. It's great! I get fed and walked and I don't smell bad anymore. I even made some friends.
Well Bill I hope you have a good rest of your life.
Sincerely, Truffles.