Tuesday, June 1, 2010

my first day of kndergarten.

I was in bed and sleeping when mommy opened the curtains. The sun was bright in my eyes.
"Wake up Timothy, it's time to go to your first day of school!" Called mommy.
I was nervous about going to school. What if I didn't make any friends and all the kids laughed at me. When I didn't answer mommy came and pulled the blanket off me. I quickly pretended I was sleeping.
"Timothy, wake up, I'm sure you'll like school."
Mommy was never wrong so I got up to get ready for my first day of school. I am a big boy now he remembered. I dressed myself and told mommy I was too old for her to pick out my clothes. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. Mommy made my favourite. Pancakes topped with chocolate syrup and strawberries on the side. I ate my breakfast slowly I was still nervous but I wanted to look like a big boy. I imagined what school would be like. What if the teachers were mean and didn't like me he thought. When it was time to go I pulled on my new backpack with batman on the back. I had picked it out myself. I sat in the backseat listening to mommy tell me how much she liked school.

When I got to school it was really really big. There was a flag pole in the front and big yellow buses were pulling in to the school. When the bell rang mommy walked me to my classroom. On the way I saw a lot of big kids. They were tall and scary. When we go to the classroom I saw a lot of other kids like me. I sighed. My teacher came up to see me. I could hear her shoes."Click clack, click, clack" His hands went sweaty, he hid behind mommy holding on to her tightly.
"Meet your teacher Timothy" she said. I peeked out to see my teacher. She had brown hair,green eyes and looked really friendly. I came out from behind mommy. Soon my mom left and class started. We all sat in a circle and we had to say our name and what we like to do the most. It was almost my turn. I wiped my sweaty hand on my new jeans. When it was my turn I said
"My name is Timothy, and I like to play with my action figures."
Ms.Lilly smiled at me. It was the shy girl's turn next to me.

We were all drawing pictures and my new friend Ethan showed me his picture. It was a picture of the fat kid who said "s" weird.
The fat kid saw the picture and started crying. His tummy moved up and down when he cried.
My mom told me that it was mean to make fun of people and mommy was never wrong. I went over to him and patted his shoulder and we both became friends. Ms.Lilly sent Ethan to quiet time facing the wall. When Chuck stopped crying we drew a picture together and became good friends. We also made friends with the shy girl Allison and Ren.

At the end of the day Ms.Lilly read us a book and gave us stickers. I got a batman one!
It was time to go but I didn't want to. Mom was right. I did like school. That night after I had my milk and cookies I was so excited for school I couldn't sleep. I couldn't wait to see Chuck tomorrow. We both loved batman and playing with action figures. I finally felt sleepy and went to sleep ready to wake up super early for school.


    I love the part where the fat kid cries and his tummy moves up and down!
    4+! xD
