Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Top ten memories of grade eight

1- Making " a JB music video" with Emily,Kelly, Stef and Sahar:D

2- Winning gold at nationals.

3- Canada's wonderland with the band!

4- The black violin concert.

5- Teaching Kelly(kinda..) how to ride a bike.

6- Graduation!

7- When Amanda and Ryan gave Mr. Minkhorst a haircut.

8- The band Ottowa trip:P

9- Mine and Kelly's mission to spread happiness by making smiley faces everywhere!!!

10- Playing basket-ball with Stefanie and Sahar during the March break:)

top ten favourite fuzzy animals!

1- Panda bear!
2- Bunny
3- Polar bear
4- Penguin
5- Horses
6- Puppies
7- Kitties
8- Hamster
9- Giraffe
10- Tiger

Friday, June 4, 2010

Corrected blog (Stefanie)

So this morning when I got up I was very tired so I went back to sleep. But all of a sudden I hear a loud yell that came from downstairs. It was my Mom screaming my name.
"Arther!" (No lisp)
When I heard my Mom yell my name like that I was so scared. I thought that she was going to kill me for eating the whole chocolate cake from the fridge last night. What was I going to do?
"Arther get down here!" (No lisp)
I was so nervous, my eyes started to tear up. But when I came downstairs my Mom had a Superman backpack in her hands. I was so confused. But I was SO happy that she wasn't mad at me for eating the chocolate cake. Phew, instead she told me that I was going to start school today. When I heard that I was starting school I was so happy! All I could think about were the new friends that I was going to make on my first day of kindergarten. They were going to think that I'm so cool with all of my Hot Wheels toys and they would want to play with me all day.
"OK Arther, it's time to go get ready. Now run along and go brush your teeth and get ready." (No lisp) My Mom told me that it was twenty-five minutes before school starts and that I have to be ready to go in twenty minutes because Mommy hates being late. I ran upstairs with my Superman backpack and left it in my room to go brush my teeth and get dressed. When I came in my room I see that my mom has already packed my Superman backpack with a small notebook and a Superman pencil case. So all I had to do left was to fill the rest up with my awesome Hot Wheels toys so that me and my new friends could play. Finally after I had looked forever for my cool Hot Wheels toys I was ready to go to school. I zipped up my Superman backpack and went downstairs to put my shoes on and go to my very first day of kindergarten.
When I had got there I was so happy to see all those kids that were going to be my best friends. Before I went to line up in my line just like all of the other kids that came early I gave my Mom a big hug and said goodbye to her. I was quiet in my line because everyone else was and I didn't want to embarrass myself by talking out loud. When the bell rang it was time to go inside the school. When I was going inside I waved my last goodbyes to my mom and by the time I knew it I was inside the school. It was so exciting! When I had went into my classroom I was sent to one of these box like thingies and I was told that this is the space I have to use to put all my stuff, and beneath it there are two hooks on either side in a longer box thingy. So that is where I put my Superman backpack. Then our teacher told us to find our name on a desk and sit there. Sadly I found my name on the desk at the back of the class. I was so sad. I couldn't believe that my teacher would do something to a four-year-old kid like me. Sigh. Oh well, maybe she will see what a good kid I am and put me in the front of the class where all of the special kids should sit. Like me.The teacher had kept talking on and on about the same things. I thought it was because Lauren kept asking the same stupid question again and again.

"Where is the washroom, where is the washroom." She is so annoying! Anyway we have five more minutest of Mrs. Teacher talking about the same things over and over again until it was break time and then we got to go outside for recess. That was when I was going to show off my amazing Hot Wheels toys and everyone was going to be my best friend.
When I had went outside holding my Hot Wheels toys no one really noticed me. Not even when I did the most amazing shark attack move. I felt so lonely. I guess that I guessed wrong. I really didn't make new friends that day. When the bell rang to go inside I cleaned up my toys and put them in a box, but I didn't know that I had forgotten to close the clip so that nothing falls out. When I picked up my box everything smashed onto the pavement and everyone turned to face me. Then they started to laugh at me. Then everything looked like it was in slow motion. I felt so hurt and sad that I had no friends and second of all my eyes were beginning to get wet. That wasn't good. I started crying. Everyone continued to go inside the school accept the teacher. She stayed back to talk to me.
"It's OK Arther, accidents happen all the time. Now come on and let's go inside." (No lisp)
I didn't want to go inside but the teacher grabbed my wrist and I ended up going inside the school to my seat in the back of the class. I hated my school, I hated my class and I hated everything to do with all of the bratty kids in my class. I stayed quiet for the rest of the day in class.

When school was over, and it was time to go home, I saw my Mom waiting for me in front of our car waving at me. I just looked at her and continued walking with my head down.
"So Arther, how was your day?" she had asked (No lisp)
I didn't answer her because she was the one that made me go to school in the first place. I just jumped in our car and sat there with my seat belt buckled. When my mom had got in the car she had told me that the first day of school is always the hardest for some kids. She also told me that her first day was the same way when I told her my story. That made me feel a little bit better on the ride back home. When my Mom and I arrived home I ate dinner and I went to play a bit of my kid station before going to bed. Although this was the most tiring day of my life I still have hope for my second day to be much better and that I make tons of friends.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

my first day of kndergarten.

I was in bed and sleeping when mommy opened the curtains. The sun was bright in my eyes.
"Wake up Timothy, it's time to go to your first day of school!" Called mommy.
I was nervous about going to school. What if I didn't make any friends and all the kids laughed at me. When I didn't answer mommy came and pulled the blanket off me. I quickly pretended I was sleeping.
"Timothy, wake up, I'm sure you'll like school."
Mommy was never wrong so I got up to get ready for my first day of school. I am a big boy now he remembered. I dressed myself and told mommy I was too old for her to pick out my clothes. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. Mommy made my favourite. Pancakes topped with chocolate syrup and strawberries on the side. I ate my breakfast slowly I was still nervous but I wanted to look like a big boy. I imagined what school would be like. What if the teachers were mean and didn't like me he thought. When it was time to go I pulled on my new backpack with batman on the back. I had picked it out myself. I sat in the backseat listening to mommy tell me how much she liked school.

When I got to school it was really really big. There was a flag pole in the front and big yellow buses were pulling in to the school. When the bell rang mommy walked me to my classroom. On the way I saw a lot of big kids. They were tall and scary. When we go to the classroom I saw a lot of other kids like me. I sighed. My teacher came up to see me. I could hear her shoes."Click clack, click, clack" His hands went sweaty, he hid behind mommy holding on to her tightly.
"Meet your teacher Timothy" she said. I peeked out to see my teacher. She had brown hair,green eyes and looked really friendly. I came out from behind mommy. Soon my mom left and class started. We all sat in a circle and we had to say our name and what we like to do the most. It was almost my turn. I wiped my sweaty hand on my new jeans. When it was my turn I said
"My name is Timothy, and I like to play with my action figures."
Ms.Lilly smiled at me. It was the shy girl's turn next to me.

We were all drawing pictures and my new friend Ethan showed me his picture. It was a picture of the fat kid who said "s" weird.
The fat kid saw the picture and started crying. His tummy moved up and down when he cried.
My mom told me that it was mean to make fun of people and mommy was never wrong. I went over to him and patted his shoulder and we both became friends. Ms.Lilly sent Ethan to quiet time facing the wall. When Chuck stopped crying we drew a picture together and became good friends. We also made friends with the shy girl Allison and Ren.

At the end of the day Ms.Lilly read us a book and gave us stickers. I got a batman one!
It was time to go but I didn't want to. Mom was right. I did like school. That night after I had my milk and cookies I was so excited for school I couldn't sleep. I couldn't wait to see Chuck tomorrow. We both loved batman and playing with action figures. I finally felt sleepy and went to sleep ready to wake up super early for school.