Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It was 1988. I was walking the ancient streets of Paris going to the local market to buy some eggs and a carton of milk. Mother always sent me because I was the oldest. I shared more responsibilities in the house since my Father passed away two years ago. That was the most disheveled year for our family. When Father became ill there was no income for us to live on but we had to cope with it. It was very impenetrable to lose our Father especially for my Mother.
Today I work at local stores near the house and usually buy Mother's groceries on the way.
I was at the Market. I payed for the eggs and milk she had asked for and took my time to walk home. I could see the shape of the Eiffel Tower as I approached closer, the construction for the tower began last year. It was a spring mid -day. The sun was held in the center of the sky. As I arrived home and opened the front door I heard my mother, A voice I could recognize from miles away. Me and my Mother were very close we went through everything together and she was always there through the hardships we had. "EMELIA TUBMAN! what took you so long she roared over the commotion of the stove. I muttered something unintelligible under my breath to low for her to hear. I liked my Mother but she sometimes got concerned for unnecessary reasons. I handed her the groceries and went up to my room to finish my homework. This was very unlike me especially on a Saturday but I decided I didn't want it piling up for tomorrow.
On Monday I was In my least favorite class Geography. Mr.Birdie was babbling on and on about some trip to the Museum that he was looking forward to. Mr.Birdie's monotone voice drained out of my hearing and I drifted to sleep. I had a dream the class was going to one of the most famous museum's of Paris. There was a trip to the museum every year but thankfully this one was divergent. Mr.B would stand in front of each famous historical figure and give a lesson on it. I felt disinterested and as Mr.B dragged on his speech about a painting with a young girl reading I slipped out of the group and decided to take my own tour of the museum. I passed many ancient things and was gracious knowing that I didn't have to listen to Mr.B going pf about the history of everything. I stopped at the painting indicating that it was the Mona Lisa. I heard someone whisper"SSS" I wondered where it came from. Then I eventually realized it was the painting of Mona Lisa. "Are you talking to me" I whispered back, looking around to see if anyone heard.
"who else" she answered back. "Get me out of here!, I have been stuck here for the longest time"
I leaned in to see if she was actually talking to me, just to make sure I wasn't hearing things.
As soon as I leaned in I found myself staring back at myself. I was walking away with a relieved look on my face. I subsequently realized that I took Mona Lisa's place and she took mine! I would have had a shocked look upon my face but I was frozen like all paintings. The second I realized what had happened a herd of question rushed through me.("How am I going to get out? Will I be stuck in here forever?, What about the real Mona Lisa?") It took me a minute to take in what had happened. I couldn't believe this was really happening. I decided on how I was going to get out. When I found a person alone I did the same thing the Mona Lisa did to me. I was relived when I came out of the painting. Now they're are two copies of me. I looked all over the museum but I couldn't seem to find her. I went to go look for how far the class got on the tour. I still had enough time. That's where I found my look alike. When the group moved one I pulled her aside, getting a good grasp on her. She struggled out of my hold but I managed. I finally got her in to her painting and the man I had trapped in the painting was released. Afterward I found my class and ended the trip with them. It had been a stirring adventure. Soon after my eyes flickered open to some shaking my shoulders awake. I had realized that It was a dream and
Mona Lisa never came out of her painting. At least i fell through Mr.B's monotone lecture.

1 comment:

  1. Word Choice

    Level 3

    Saman - I appreciate your effort in finding a new vocabulary - well done. Some words just didn't work (i.e. impenetrable, disheveled) Keep up the strong effort!
