Friday, April 30, 2010

Blory #3: X-ray

She was sitting in the hospital waiting room while her Mom was pacing back and forth anxiously down the hallway. Once again her bratty brother performed another stunt and got hurt. Jessica was always dragged along with her mother to the hospital each time her brother Dexter got hurt. She had better things to do. She was going to go shopping with her friends, but because of her stupid brother her plans were wrecked. This is was all because of her brother's desire to look cool in front of older guys. He was on his skateboard trying to impress them. That didn't work out too well. He ended up ramming in to a pole and almost got ran over. Mom always told him that he should be doing what all kids do at his age of eight. As Dexter walked out of the doctors office Mom bolted to him to give him a bear hug."

"Look what you have done to yourself! You are grounded for a month!", said Jessica's mother. Dexter was covered with scrapes on his elbows that were now covered in bandages and his shirt appeared to be brutally abused. It looked like a rag covered with grass stains all over it. He had a light purple bruise on his forehead. The doctor said he had one on his stomach too. Dexter seemed irritated and his facial expressions were full of embarrassment,I tried to keep my laugh in. Dexter resents it when people treat him as an innocent and frail child because he thinks he's a grown up bad boy.

"Mom get off of me, I'm fine!" Dexter replied walking towards the exit in a disgruntled mood. He held an X-ray in the tight clench of his hand.

When we got home, Mom was examining the X-ray for a while
"What's wrong Mom?" Jessica questioned.
"It's the X-ray" Mom replied.
"There is something strange about it."
I went to take a look at it.
It was an X-ray of Dexter's stomach.
In the middle of it was a shadow of a something that probably didn't belong to the stomach. Just then Dexter was coming down the stairs, he jumped down the last three steps. I heard a ringing sound. I looked back at the X-ray and realized the shadow had the shape of a bell.
"It's a bell!" I announced.
"Why would Dexter have a bell in his stomach" Mom replied.
"Don't you remember two weeks ago he accidentally ate a bell", I added.
"WHAT", said mom
"Oops, I forgot to mention that"

It was his birthday two weeks ago and, in one of the games Dexter and his friends had to find the bell in the cake, whoever did would win a prize. Dexter found it and accidentally ate it with the cake. When Mom finally accepted that it was a bell she rushed to the hospital with Dexter. I also got grounded for not telling anyone that he ate the bell and, once again I got dragged along as well.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Once there was a pastry chef. He worked at the local market at the bakery. The bakery was a very popular spot in the market. It had a very good business the bell on top of the door was always ringing due to the customers rushing in to have a taste of the best dessert in town. They're were many chefs at work everyday and loved every minute of working at the bakery... except one pastry chef. The pastry chef hated working at the bakery. He was a grumpy man. Although he hated working there he was never late and sometimes even worked extra shifts. None of the other chefs understood. He wasn't very friendly to the customers either. There was one reason holding back the boss to fire him. He was the best pastry chef out of all of the others. If he didn't work at the bakery their business would not be the most popular dessert in town.

One day one of the pastry chefs Pablo was curious about this mysterious chef with the extraordinary talent of baking. It was the mysterious pastry chef's day to close the shop. So Pablo stayed behind hiding in the bakery while all the chefs left. The Pastry chef was cleaning up the bakery that was messy after another good day of business. Pablo was nervous wondering what he had done was wrong to do. What if the pastry chef was a normal guy Pablo thought. Maybe not he realized when he saw the pastry chef hooking up a camera inside a pastry. He put the pastry in the glass shelf in front of the counter. He had an evil smirk on his face. He angled the pastry toward the door. He set up more camera's inside pastries and locked the bakery as he left. The lights had been switched off. Pablo thought it was safe to come out of the cupboard bellow the sink. His back ached from the crouched position he was in. Pablo wondered why the pastry chef would do such a thing. Pablo stayed the night sleeping uncomfortably on the ground. In the morning he woke up to the sound of the bell on top of the door. Pablo peeked to see who it could be. The pastry chef walked in anxious and turned on the camera's on all of the pastries he had hidden during the previous night. Pablo left the bakery when the pastry chef wasn't looking. He was careful to exit from behind the camera's.

That day when the bakery closed Pablo followed the pastry chef who had collected the camera's before leaving. It was a long walk to wherever the pastry chef was going. Finally, Pablo had arrived to a dark alley, he hadn't noticed it had gotten dark. The pastry chef walked in to a place in the alley. As soon as the door closed behind the chef Pablo moved his ear to the door to listen in to what was happening."what did you get today" said a voice that Pablo recognized he finally realized this was the voice of a daily customer that visited the bakery. At last he could no longer hear the voices and he decided to leave. That night Pablo heard many things that frightened him. One of them were that the pastry chef was not human but an alien, he and some other aliens were planning on destroying Earth. Pablo didn't know why. He had never been so startled. He had never believed in aliens and today he found out that they were here on Earth which was planned on being decimated!

The next day all Pablo could wonder was if he should tell anyone. He desperately needed to share the news so that he wouldn't have t go through such an abominable time period alone. With resistance he decided not to. No one would believe him anyways. That evening it was his turn to clean and lock up the bakery. While he was cleaning up the mess of the busy day he found a memory stick labeled with the name Louis on it. He took it home and looked in to the data. He found many videos about the planning of destructing Earth. Many people he knew were included in these videos. He felt the chill of fear go down his back.
What was Pablo supposed to do.

To be continued...